McAdam and Rotary Park Public Consultation Information Sheet


During the 2018 budget deliberations, Council approved a financial commitment of $200,000 for a playground in McAdam Park. However, before proceeding, it was decided that a long-term plan for both McAdam Park and Rotary Park should be created.  The City wants to ensure that any new amenities added to the parks fit within an overall plan.

Also, in April 2018, students from Cowichan Secondary School, presented to Council ideas for Centennial Park, Charles Hoey Park and McAdam Park, as part of their class assignment.  Ideas presented included a climbing wall, permanent outdoor stage with retractable roof, and a parkour course (sports area for people to challenge themselves like a military training obstacle course). Council was supportive of their creative and innovative ideas.

April 2018, Lanarc Consultants was awarded a contract to work with staff and engage the community surrounding McAdam and Rotary Parks to determine what aspects of the park people valued most, and to identify conceptual new use additions to the Parks.

May – June 2018, engagement during Phase 1 of the consultation was focused on building an understanding of participants’ perceptions of the park, how they use the park, what they would like to see improved, and any pieces they feel are missing in the park. This included several drop-in sessions at various locations throughout the park to connect with different users at different times of the day. The feedback gathered through the first phase, including ‘wish list items’, served as a foundation of understanding for developing different potential directions to be explored in Phase 2 of the consultation.

October – December 2018, Phase 2 of the consultation requested that participants further develop, refine, and evaluate different conceptual overviews created by the consultant.  Many ideas for new amenities identified during the Phase 1 were put forward.  Rather than eliminating some of the ideas from the second round of consultation, two conceptual options were developed that included most of the ideas for amenities heard to date. The City heard from over 250 people during this phase of the consultation.

The City is about to begin the third and final phase of the consultation process. City Council has not yet reviewed any draft concepts for the plan.  From the results of the Phase 2 consultation, a draft Master Plan will be created for McAdam and Rotary Park that Council will consider in the new year, before presenting it for public comment.


Why haven’t I seen or heard anything about the plan?  Currently, the draft master park plan has not yet been developed.  The public consultation process is to gather creative ideas, to make the park safer, and more user friendly.  All ideas are welcomed.  From the ideas gathered in Phase 1, conceptual Plans were created and presented for public input during consultation Phase 2. The City has held a number of public engagement sessions, advertised on social media, created a project page, placed park signs out, emailed community groups, and mailed neighbourhood post cards.

Will I have any opportunity for further input?  Yes, Phase 3 of public consultation will begin in the new year.  Council will consider in a draft Master Plan at an upcoming public meeting. After City Council has reviewed the draft plan, it will be presented to the public for further comment before it is finalized.

How can I stay informed?  Keep informed on Council business by subscribing to a couple of our online services. Email Notifications: visit, click on the green button “Sign Up for Email Notifications” for news alerts and event postings. Council Agendas: visit, click on grey “Council Meetings” bar at the bottom left hand-side of the homepage, in the middle of the page click “Subscribe” and choose the types of meeting agendas or minutes you wish to receive.


Phase 3 Consultation – A draft Master Plan will be created for McAdam and Rotary Park that Council will consider in the new year before returning again for public comment.  Any suggested additions to the parks would then have high level cost estimates developed, and require Council deliberation for potential inclusion within the current or future year’s budget.


Please contact us if you have any questions or concerns:

Planning Department: 250-746-6126 or

2018-12-21 McAdam-Rotary Park Public Consultation Information Sheet.pdf