Notice of Amendment to Development Permit with Variances (DP-2018-10) for 1027 College Street

This notice is to advise that Council will consider an amendment to Development Permit with Variances DP-2018-10 respecting LOT A, PLAN VIP62519, SECTION 19, RANGE 5, QUAMICHAN DISTRICT, located at 1027 College Street, Duncan, BC.

On November 18, 2019, Council authorized a Development Permit with Variances to construct a twenty-one unit strata development, which consists of five structures: two six-plex and three tri-plex units. In addition to the variances to the Zoning Bylaw for DP-2018-10, a variance to Works and Services Bylaw 3158, 2017 is also required to permit this development.

The applicant is requesting the following variance to Works and Services Bylaw 3158, 2017, Schedule C: Sewage Collection Works:

  1. To vary the size requirement for the sewer main, from 200 mm diameter required by the bylaw, to the existing 150 mm diameter main. An engineering report, reviewed by the Engineering Department, confirms that the proposed size will be adequate. The applicant will provide a financial contribution for the future replacement of the sewer main.

A copy of the application and staff reports are available here:

AND, for public review from Wednesday, December 4th, 2019 to Monday, December 16th, 2019 at:

Duncan City Hall,
200 Craig Street, Duncan, BC
8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., Monday – Friday

Council will consider this application at the Regular Meeting scheduled for Monday, December 16th, 2019, 6:00 p.m. in Council Chambers, Duncan City Hall, 200 Craig Street, Duncan.

Any person who believes their interests may be affected by this proposed amendment to the Development Permit with Variances may appear in person, or by agent, the evening of the Regular Council meeting. Written comments will also be accepted by mail or email to Director of Corporate Services, City of Duncan, 200 Craig Street, Duncan, BC V9L 1W3; Email:, until 4:00 p.m., Wednesday, December 11th, 2019, to ensure their inclusion in the public record.
For more information on this application please contact Development Services, at (250) 746-6126 or