Press Release: Structural Tree Pruning of Charles Hoey Park Oak Trees

DUNCAN – Beginning in mid-October, the City of Duncan will be undertaking targeted structural pruning of the four Northern Red Oak trees located in Charles Hoey Park (south of the Train Station) that are estimated to be over 100 years old.

This work is in response to an assessment completed by an urban forest consulting firm on behalf of the City indicating that these aging trees are becoming increasingly prone to limb failure, particularly in severe weather. Given the location and potential risks associated with limb failure, the assessment strongly recommends extensive canopy pruning for 25 – 35% of the tree canopy, depending on the tree. This will be targeted structural pruning that emphasizes higher risk tree limb removal and overall canopy reduction.

“We all love these magnificent oaks,” said Mayor Michelle Staples. “I remember the first time I saw them have a deep pruning. I was pretty shocked by how much came off. Then I learned that this type of work is essential to keep them healthy and prolong their life so they can continue to share their shade and beauty with all of us.” 

Traffic impacts to Canada Avenue are expected while the pruning is completed. Traffic notices will be issued in advance of the work.

Structural Tree Pruning of Charles Hoey Park Oak Trees Press Release