Access to Records

The City of Duncan is committed to being open and transparent by providing easy access to information and records.

Informal Requests

Not all records are available on the City’s website but may be available informally by contacting City Hall at 250-746-6126 or email

Formal Requests

Access to Records Requests must be in writing, by means of a letter, or by completing the Access to Records Request Form under the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FIPPA). Access to Records Requests should only be made if the documents are not available routinely on the website or in-person at City Hall.

Further to amendments made to FIPPA on Nov. 25, 2021, please note that there is a $10 application fee to begin the Access to Records Request process for general information. Once this has been paid, the City will be able to proceed with your request. There is no application fee for requests for access to personal information. Please refer to the Access to Records Application Fee Policy for more information.


Fees to retrieve records are charged in accordance with the City’s Fees and Charges Bylaw. You will be given a fee estimate prior to processing your request. You may also be required to provide a deposit before proceeding. To reduce fees, please be as specific as possible in your request.