Seedy Saturday – Charles Hoey Park

Charles Hoey Park 130 Canada Ave, Duncan, British Columbia, Canada

Cowichan Green Community will be hosting a Seedy Saturday in Charles Hoey Park on March 12, 2022 from 10:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.  There will be an outdoor market-style event, featuring local seed vendors and farmers, workshops and buskers.

REDress Project – National Day of Awareness for Missing & Murdered Indigenous Women

Station Street Park 110 Craig St, Duncan, British Columbia, Canada

WHO:  Warmland Women's Support Services Society WHAT: REDress Project – National Day of Awareness for Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women WHERE: Station Street Park, Duncan, BC WHEN: May 5, 2022, 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. Display of red dresses and Elders prayer circle.

Cowichan Sport and Recreation Fair

Cowichan Sportsplex 5847 Chesterfield Avenue, North Cowichan, BC, Canada

Who:  Cowichan Sportsplex What: Cowichan Sport and Recreation Fair Where: Cowichan Sportsplex grounds, 5847 Chesterfield Ave. North Cowichan When: May 14, 2022 Why: The outdoor event will provide local sports organizations and groups the opportunity to demonstrate their sport or club in a fun and engaging festival environment. It will provide attendees hands-on opportunities to

Royal Canadian Legion Branch No. 53 – D-Day

Charles Hoey Park 130 Canada Ave, Duncan, British Columbia, Canada

Where: Charles Hoey Park When: Monday, June 6, at 1:00 p.m.

Sun Bowl XXXV – Cowichan Women’s Touch Football

McAdam & Rotary Park 820 Wharncliffe Rd, Duncan, British Columbia, Canada

Who: Cowichan Women's Touch Football What: Sun Bowl XXXV Tournament Where: McAdam Park & Rotary Park When: June 17-19, 2022  7:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m. Details: Women's Flag Football Tournament Contact: Chris Mann at

Youth Action Day

Charles Hoey Park 130 Canada Ave, Duncan, British Columbia, Canada

Who: Cowichan Intercultural Society What: Hosting Youth Action Day Where: Charles Hoey Park When: June 18, 2022 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM Details: A Local We Day Event

CVRD Regional Active Transportation Plan – Round 2 Engagement

Station Street Park 110 Craig St, Duncan, British Columbia, Canada

The Cowichan Valley Regional District (CVRD) will be at Station Street Park on June 25, 2022 from 10:00 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. to engage with the public on their CVRD Regional Active Transportation Plan. If you have any questions, please contact Michelle Pressman

2022 Panago Parade

Who: Duncan Cowichan Festival Society What: Hosting the 2022 Panago Parade Where: Downtown Duncan (see map) When: July 9, 2022 from 10:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. Contact: Duncan Cowichan Festival Society, 250-466-0473 or email: