
The Municipality of North Cowichan, City of Duncan and Town of Lake Cowichan are pleased to announce that an agreement has been reached to end the two-tier fee structure at the Cowichan Aquatic Centre for residents of the Town of Lake Cowichan. Beginning immediately residents of the Town will no longer be required to pay the higher two-tier fee to use the pool.

On Tuesday, there was an incident where some quantity of sewer from the City of Duncan system entered the Cowichan River. With the information available, the Vancouver Island Health Authority does not believe there is any public health risk based on results of the river water sampling that has been conducted.

This year, CMHA’s Mental Health Week takes place May 6th to 12th. To mark the occasion, The City of Duncan’s Mayor’s Advisory Committee on Disability Issues, in partnership with Cowichan Valley Mood Clinic is offering a $1000 award/bursary to the senior secondary or post secondary student who submits the winning 1000 – 1500 word essay on the topic of “Meeting The Challenge of Living with a Non-Visible Disability.”