Council Update – June 17, 2024

The City of Duncan Council Update is a snapshot of items considered at meetings of Council. These are not the official minutes. Meeting agendas, minutes, and videos can be accessed through the City’s Council Meeting Portal.

  • Council received the report of the Chief Administrative Officer that included updates on a number of City initiatives.
  • Council approved changes to the Permissive Tax Exemption policy to ensure that future applicants for permissive tax exemptions provide additional information about how their organization help to address a broad community need or otherwise improve the quality of life for Duncan residents. PTE applications are due July 31 of each year and will be considered by Council in the fall.
  • Council approved a new Transportation and Mobility Strategy, which will guide investment across the City’s transportation networks over the next 20 years with an emphasis on safe and environmentally sustainable transportation options.
  • Council approved a recommendation to fund two thirds of the cost of the Downtown Duncan Business Improvement Area Society’s umbrella program at Station Street Common to support summertime use of this public space.
  • Council directed staff to add a Hul’q’umi’num welcome to the design of the future gateway entrance sign.
  • Council received the 2023 Annual Report, which outlines the City’s recent accomplishments and  objectives for the year ahead.
  • Council approved the 2023 Statement of Financial Information.
  • Council directed staff to purchase 151 carbon credits in support of maintaining the City’s carbon neutral status, aligning with the City’s commitments under the BC Climate Action Charter. Read the Climate Action Report for 2023 or check out the City’s annual climate action program surveys on our website.
  • Council approved a licence agreement for a five-year term for the use of Duncan City Square and a portion of Ingram Street for the continuation of the Duncan Farmers’ Market.
  • Council approved first three readings and adoption of Zoning Bylaw Amendment Bylaw No. 3166.06, 2024 to establish site-specific uses and development regulations for 725 Canada Avenue, and issued Development Permit No. DP-2024-05, with amendments including that a green roof be incorporated, to facilitate the construction of a two storey mixed use building.
  • Council proclaimed September 4, 2024 as Polycystic Kidney Disease Awareness Day in the City of Duncan.

The next Regular Council meeting is scheduled for Monday, July 15, 2024.