Strategic Plan 2023 – 2026
On August 14, 2023, Council adopted the 2023-2026 Strategic Plan. This is a multi-year plan for the City of Duncan, which outlines Council’s seven strategic priorities and will help Council keep in mind what they hope to achieve by their term’s end in 2026. The Plan defines the business of the organization, clarifies its preferred future, and identifies strategic priorities and goals.
In addition, the Council Strategic Plan provides clear direction to staff on how they are expected to support the vision and goals of this Council and will serve as a critical foundation for staff decision-making in relation to budgeting, project planning, performance measurement, and performance management.
The Council’s 2023-2026 Strategic Plan builds upon the long-term community vision established by the City’s Official Community Plan: “To be one of the most livable small towns in Canada.” The Official Community Plan includes goals for achieving that vision:
- Manage growth
- A well-serviced community
- A thriving economy and business community
- Responsible stewardship of the environment
- Strong community connections
- A safe, healthy community
The goals in the Strategic Plan largely reflect the goals established by the Official Community Plan.