North Cowichan / Duncan Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP)

RCMP CanadaCareers – RCMP RecruitingCanada’s Missing Persons

Community Policing Office

North Cowichan / Duncan

RCMP Newsroom

Special Event Permit

Online Crime Reporting Tool

Victim Services


North Cowichan / Duncan Detachment

If you are dealing with an emergency, please call 911 immediately.

For non-emergency services or information, please call 250-748-5522.The North Cowichan / Duncan RCMP Detachment proudly serves the Municipality of North Cowichan, City of Duncan, Crofton, Chemainus, Maple Bay, Genoa Bay, Cowichan Bay, the First Nations communities of Quw’utsun, Halalt, Stz’uminus, and Lyackson.

The approximately 83,000 residents of the Cowichan Valley and the surrounding areas are served by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) North Cowichan / Duncan Detachment.

Today, the detachment is home to a workforce of 89: 62 RCMP members (32 municipal members, 26 provincial members, and 4 indigenous policing members), 23 support staff (municipal employees and public service employees), 3 victim services personnel and 1 volunteer Chaplin.

Other services include a satellite Indigenous Policing Office at 180 Central Rd, Duncan [Village Green], and three Community Policing Offices.  One at South Cowichan Community Policing Office, and two through  Cowichan Community Policing & Engagement Society covering, North Cowichan/Duncan area and Cowichan Bay. Community Policing has trained volunteers to provide a range of programs and services such as, Block Watch, Friendly Phone Calls, Speed Watch, Senior Resources, and Positive Tickets.Police Information Checks

Police Information Checks are available and accepted at the Front Counter of the North Cowichan/Duncan detachment – British Columbia (  and are usually processed within two weeks. There are circumstances where your Police Information Check may take much longer, example, if fingerprints are required and need to be submitted to Ottawa for confirmation, or if we need to contact another police agency for information.

If you are a volunteer for an organization that requires a Police Information Check, the fee will be waived. In order to have this fee waived, you will be required to present a letter from the organization confirming your volunteer status. Please contact us if you need more information.

Two pieces of government issued ID are required, one showing a current North Cowichan / Duncan address.

Reporting a Crime that has already been committed using our Online Reporting tool

Report a Crime if:

  • You have lost something that costs less than $5,000
  • Someone has stolen something from you that costs less than $5,000
  • Someone has vandalized your property or vehicle and it will cost less than $5,000 to repair it
  • The crime happened within the jurisdiction of the North Cowichan / Duncan RCMP
  • You want to report a Driving Complaint that is not in progress

You cannot use Online Crime Reporting if:

  • There is a witness or suspect (this restriction does not apply to Driving Complaints)
  • There are lost or stolen items involving personal identity or firearms
  • There are lost or stolen licence plates or decals

We will need your:

  • Name
  • Address
  • Phone number
  • Email

A typical report will take 15 minutes to complete.

Click here to access the Online Crime Reporting Tool

For more information, please contact:

North Cowichan / Duncan RCMP Detachment
6430 Ford Road
Duncan, BC V9L 6C5
Non-Emergency Telephone: 250-748-5522

General services hours of operation:
Monday to Friday [except statutory holidays] 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.

This information is provided by North Cowichan / Duncan RCMP Detachment.