Tree Pruning in Charles Hoey Park
The City recently received a health and risk assessment report on the condition of four (4) mature Red oak trees located in Charles Hoey VC Memorial Park. These trees were likely planted in the 1940’s. The report is lengthy, comprehensive, and includes recommendations for mitigating any associated risk and improving plant health. The northernmost Red Oak tree was identified as having the most significant structural concerns including an area of large dead branches that happen to be directly overhead of the stage and seating area of the 39 Days of July Summer Festivities.
To mitigate the potential risk of branch failure, staff is proceeding with the pruning of this tree. The crown of the tree will be cleaned of any dead, diseased or weak limbs, limbs that are compromised will be removed, and the remainder of the tree will be pruned to reduce the crown by approximately 25% focusing on reducing end weight on any limbs. The pruning is quite extensive, and will take place Friday, July 3rd at 6:00 a.m. By doing this work first thing in the morning, it will not impact the Summer Festival event schedule which has music beginning around 11:00 a.m.
When the pruning is complete, the associated risks will be mitigated to a reasonable level and a pruning and monitoring program will be developed to gradually prune and reduce its canopy over a number of years until it is no longer viable at which time it could be removed. This type of strategy will give the City an opportunity to replant new trees within the park that can be pruned and maintained to develop into healthy structurally sound trees that will eventually replace the function that these trees offer to the city park.
“There are also recommendations for the other three trees, but the state of this particular tree, coupled with the Summer Festival in the Park, it is not advisable to wait” said Peter de Verteuil. “The City will proceed with the remainder of the recommendations when appropriate.”
Talitha Soldera, Director of Finance