Nominations Open for Sports Wall of Fame
The Sports Wall of Fame Nomination Committee is currently accepting applications for new nominations. The nomination deadline is April 28, 2017.
The North Cowichan/Duncan Sports Wall of Fame is dedicated to honouring the rich history of the many sports, coaches, athletes, teams, administrators and builders from our community. The Wall recognizes those individuals and teams which have attained high achievement and/or made a significant contribution within North Cowichan/Duncan, British Columbia, Canada and/or the World.
“If you know of an athlete or team, coach or administrator that has excelled in their sport or made a significant contribution to our community through local athletics, we invite you to submit a nomination package,” says Kate Marsh, Chair of the Sports Wall of Fame Nomination Committee. “We invite nominations not only from individuals, but also clubs and associations.”
The Sports Wall of Fame is administered by the Sports Wall of Fame Nominating Committee and makes its recommendations to Council. Categories include: Athlete, Team, Coach, and Administrator/Builder. The Sports Wall of Fame is located in the lobby of the Cowichan Aquatic Centre and individuals and teams are recognized with a plaque on the Wall of Fame. In addition, induction ceremonies are held every two years.
For more information, please contact:
Ernie Mansueti, Director of Parks & Recreation
Municipality of North Cowichan
T 250.746.3110