McAdam Park Warming Station Proposal – December 18 Council Meeting
At the December 18, 2017, 6:00 pm, Council meeting, Council will review a staff report on the United Way’s request to use McAdam Park field house as a warming station this winter.
At the November 20, 2017 Council meeting, Council considered a letter from United Way, sent on behalf of the Cowichan Coalition to Address Homelessness and Affordable Housing, requesting that the field house at McAdam Park be made available for use as a daytime warming station this winter, to be operated outside of any hours required by sports teams. The letter requested that Council support by providing the space, heat, hot water, and janitorial services (or some part of them), subject to Provincial support and supervision of the use of the site. Upon consideration of the correspondence, Council passed the following resolution:
That Council direct staff to bring forward a report on the financial and community impacts of establishing of a warming station, as requested by United Way.
Staff are now working to find out additional details of the request to inform a report that will be brought forward at a future Council meeting. The report will include information on the financial costs of operating a warming station, as well as the potential impacts on stakeholders – such as park user groups – and neighbourhood residents.
Has the City agreed to use the McAdam Park field house as a warming station?
No, at this time the City is trying to find out more information about the request and the impacts before presenting a report to City Council, who will consider whether or not to proceed with using the McAdam Park field house as a warming station at a future Council meeting.
When will City Council decide whether to use McAdam Park field house as a warming station?
City staff are working to have the report ready for Council’s consideration as soon as possible, but this will depend on how quickly the United Way is able to provide more information on the logistics of operating the warming station, such as, but not limited to:
- What would be the hours of operation?
- How many individuals would be served?
- How many staff people would be on site?
Once staff have been provided the additional information required to draft a report, information on the meeting day and time when Council will be considering this matter will be posted on the City’s website.
Will the City be seeking the opinion of the public, neighbours and other user groups?
Yes, City staff will be seeking the opinion of neighbours, park user groups, local service organizations and anyone who would like to express their opinion on the potential establishment of a warming station in the McAdam Park field house.
If you’d like City Council to consider your opinion on this matter, please submit correspondence addressed to Mayor and Council (email:, in person or by mail to City Hall). Correspondence received will form part of the report to Council.