Updated Smoking Regulations – Smoke-Free Bylaw No. 3179, 2018

City of Duncan Smoke-Free Bylaw No. 3179, 2018 now prohibits smoking tobacco or vegetative matter (including marijuana), and vaping in:

  • Any park;
  • Public facility;
  • School yard;
  • Within six (6) meters area measured on the ground from any point direction below any doorway, window or air intake or bus stop sign;

This Bylaw came into force on August 20, 2018, and aligns with Provincial regulations.

The objectives of this Bylaw are to protect infants, toddlers, children, persons with disabilities, people suffering illness, people of advanced age, and others who are incapable of removing themselves from being exposed to second-hand smoke. Each year in Canada, second-hand smoke causes the death of at least 800 non-smokers, due to lung cancer and heart disease.

Second hand smoke chemicals have been proven to cause chronic lung disease, coronary heart disease, stroke, cancer of the lungs, nasal, larynx, esophagus, mouth, and bladder. Health Canada estimates that approximately 100 children die each year as a result of maternal smoking and exposure to smoke in the home.

In 2011, one in five, or about 5.8 million Canadians smoked–more males (22.3%) than females (17.5%). Fewer people are heavy smokers today compared to a decade ago–and more males (23.5%) than females (14.2%) are heavy smokers.*

Approximately half of those smokers are expected to become ill or die from their tobacco use.

Smoking accounts for 85% of all new cases of lung cancer in Canada, and 37,000 deaths each year are attributable to smoking. The economic burden of tobacco use in Canada is also great, with an estimated social cost of $17 billion a year and direct health care costs of $4.4 billion.

For help to quit smoking, go to British Columbia Lung Association. https://bc.lung.ca/

The City’s Bylaw Enforcement Officers will begin an awareness campaign advising smokers of the new regulations. Tickets will only be issued if warnings are disregarded.

It is hoped that through this awareness campaign that ticketing will not be necessary.

Smoke-Free Bylaw No. 3179, 2018 (pdf)


Ministry of Health: Tobacco and Vapour Products Control Act