BC Hydro LED Street Light Upgrades

Updated: Nov. 15, 2021: The contractor doing the work has confirmed that they will begin next week and anticipate being finished by November 30th. Their working hours are from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. They will have two crews throughout the area.  Each location will take 10-15 minutes, and they have committed to installing the busier locations at quieter times.  They have also committed to maintaining single lane alternating traffic at a minimum at all times with certified traffic control personnel.

It is expected that some of the public will have questions and concerns.  Please familiarize yourself with the FAQs below.  Any further inquiries should be directed to BC Hydro.

Update: Nov. 1, 2021: BC Hydro is having some shipping issues. They will not be starting the LED program in Duncan net week. They anticipate that they will be delayed about three weeks but will keep us updated.

Initial Post, October 19, 2021: BC Hydro is undertaking a province wide LED street light replacement project. The City of Duncan’s portion of this project will be commencing on November 1st, 2021. It is expected that some of the public will have questions and concerns. Below is a link to some frequently asked questions. If you have further questions please contact BC Hydro at: 1-800-224-9376.

Frequently Asked Questions – BC Hydro LED