RFP 2024.04 – City of Duncan Engagement and Urban Design Services

The City of Duncan is replacing its existing 2017 zoning bylaw with a new zoning bylaw and updating the existing development permit area guidelines in the City’s Official Community Plan (OCP). This Request for Proposals (“RFP”) is an invitation to qualified consulting firms to undertake all aspects of the engagement, urban design, and mapping components of the new zoning bylaw and the engagement, urban design, and writing of the updated development permit area guidelines. The City is seeking proposals from qualified consulting firms with demonstrated experience in planning, engagement, and urban design.

Electronic submissions are supported and encouraged. Electronic submissions should be sent by email to kyoung@duncan.ca by the closing date and time: June 28, 2024, 12:00 p.m. local time. It is recommended that the sender verify receipt of the submission by the City. The City is not responsible for email  submissions that are not received by the City by the closing date and time due to technological issues.

Hard copy proposals are also supported and should be clearly marked with the name and address of the Proponent and the RFP project title. Hard copy submissions should also include an electronic submission on a USB drive. The sealed envelope containing the proposal should be addressed to the following:

City of Duncan, Planning Department
Attn: Kyle Young, Director of Planning and Sustainability
200 Craig Street
Duncan, BC V9L 1W3

Proposals should be received on or before the Closing Time and Date of:
Time: 12:00 p.m. local time
Date: July 5, 2024

RFP Document

Addendum 1