RFP 2024.05 – Audit Services

City of Duncan is seeking proposals for the provision of external audit services for our organization
for five years. We invite your firm to complete and submit a formal proposal for the
City’s external audit engagements.

The Proposal and their envelopes should be clearly marked with the name and address
of the Proponent and the RFP program title. The sealed envelope should be addressed to
the following project contact:

Bernice Crossman
Director of Finance
Finance Department, City Hall
200 Craig Street
Duncan, BC V9L 1W3
Office No. 250-746-6126
Email: bernice@duncan.ca

Proposals may be submitted by email to: bernice@duncan.ca

Proposals must be received on or before the Closing Time of:
TIME: 10:00 am PST
DATE: Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Proposals, 3 hard copies or email, will be accepted until the Closing Time specified. It is
the Proponent’s sole responsibility to ensure its Proposal is received at the physical
address or email address set out above by the Closing Time. Proposals can be submitted
in person, courier, mail, or email. Please note if submitted by mail the proposal must be
received by the City prior to the closing time/date and that post marks on mailed
submissions will not be considered as date/time of receipt.

Proponents wishing to make changes to their Proposals after submission but prior to the
Closing Time may do so by submitting the revisions by email or hard copy. It is the
Proponent’s sole responsibility to ensure the revisions are received by the CoD prior to
the Closing Time.

Proposals received after the Closing Time will not be accepted or considered.

RFP Document

Appendix A

Appendix B

Appendix C