Request for Quotation – Ramp Replacement

The City of Duncan (the City) is requesting quotations for the replacement of the ramp on the Margaret Moss Health Clinic building located at 675 Canada Avenue.

The work will include repairing and renewing the existing accessible access ramp, including:

  1. The contractor is required to maintain access to the front entrance of the building via the stair adjacent to the ramp for the duration of the ramp replacement. Any disruption to this access to occur outside of Health Clinic business hours. 
  2. Remove, clean and store existing handrails/ guardrails for re-installation. Demo existing painted plywood Ramp surface (for extent indicated on drawing) to expose pressure treated ramp framing below (2011 construction, refer to record drawings).
  3. Contractor to inspect pressure treated ramp framing and tag any rotten or deteriorated members that are recommended for replacement (est. 25%). Owner will review and add like-for-like pressure treated replacements to the scope of work as necessary.
  4. Contractor to investigate drainage of below ramp area after removal of existing ramp surface. The new deck surface will be self draining to below and it is anticipated that drainage will need to be added/ modified to ensure that this rainwater is routed away from the existing area. The recommend solution to address water run-off to be added to the scope of work as necessary.
  5. Replace all existing plywood decking (including stair treads) w/ 1″ thk. X 3/4″ square top mesh micro-mesh FRP decking, c/w textured non-slip walking surface and openings less than 3/8” in diameter (high heel footwear safe). Contractor to provide sample product to the City for approval prior to ordering product. Secure to existing deck supports as indicated in drawings.
  6. Replace exterior plywood siding and plywood stair risers along full extent of ramp with smooth finish, Hardie panel siding (or approved equal) installed per manufacturer requirements, finish with exterior grade paint (colour to be chosen by owner).
  7. Replace existing wood stairs at north face of building to secondary entrance with full like for like replacement, including replacement of existing plywood walking surface with FRP micro-mesh panels as outlined in item 1 above.
  8. Pressure wash existing concrete immediately adjacent to the ramp including ramps, stairs, walls, and bike parking pad.

The contractor is encouraged to visit the site to become familiar with the site and the scope of work. A site meeting with the project contact can be arranged as necessary.

The City, at its sole discretion, reserves the right to:

  • Reject any or all Proposals whether complete or not;
  • Reject any Proposal it considers not in its best interests;
  • Waive any irregularity or insufficiency in the Proposal submitted;
  • Not be liable for any misunderstandings or errors in the RFQ;
  • Issue addenda to the Request for Quotation;
  • Contact references provided by the Quotation;
  • Request points of clarification to assist the City in reviewing quotations;
  • Negotiate changes with the Proponent; and
  • Withdraw the RFQ.

Quotes must be submitted in a sealed envelope, marked on the outside with the project number and description, and received by 3:00 PM, Wednesday, April 2, 2025.

Please direct questions to the project contact:

Rachel Hastings, Manager of Building and Bylaw
Phone: 250-746-6126

RFQ 2025-02 Documents