The City of Duncan welcomes all property and business owners that have been affected by graffiti, and are located within the City of Duncan jurisdiction to participate in the City’s Graffiti Removal Program.


1. Property and business owners that have identified graffiti on their property may come into City Hall with:

  • A picture of the graffiti, and
  • Identification to show that you are the property and/or business owner

to participate in the City’s Graffiti Removal Program.

2. Reception will provide the program information and a voucher that permits:

  • A maximum of up to $60.00 in graffiti removal products (example: paint and brush);
  • A list of participating vendors; and
  • Instructions on how to use the voucher and a deadline for completing the work.

A Bylaw Officer will conduct an onsite inspection after seven (7) days of issuing the voucher to verify the work has been completed.

As this program is a pilot program, it is available until the funds of the program are dispersed.  It will be reviewed yearly and proposed for the following year if successful.

Graffiti Removal Program Brochure

If a citizen wishes to report graffiti within the City of Duncan, please use the City’s online Issue Reporting System

For questions, please contact the Bylaw Department by phone 250-746-6126 or email