Bylaws & Policies
The primary functions of City Council are to establish administrative policy, to adopt bylaws governing matters delegated to local government through the Local Government Act and the Community Charter, along with other Provincial statutes for the protection of the public, and to levy taxes for these purposes.
View the most frequently accessed City Bylaws. The contents of these online bylaws are for information and reference purposes only, and are not to be relied on as the complete or official versions of the City of Duncan’s bylaws. For official transcripts of the bylaws, please contact the Corporate Services Department at or phone 250-746-6126.
Council Policies
The list of the most frequently accessed Council Policies apply within the boundaries of the City of Duncan. These policies provide direction on administrative procedures and help guide future decisions of Council.
Disclaimer: These policies are provided for information purposes only. Individuals wishing to quote from, or use the policies, should consult with the Corporate Services Department at at 250-746-6126 to ensure they are current.