Curbside Collection

Garbage, Recycling, Organics, Yard Waste, & Glass

The City of Duncan is committed to achieving our community’s target of zero-waste.  Please continue to help us reduce, reuse, and recycle.

The City’s solid waste collection program is established through the Garbage, Recyclables and Organics Collection Bylaw.

Backyard burning is completely banned within the City.


The City collects garbage and recycling alternately every other week, with organics collected every week, and glass collected once per month.

Download the 2025 Duncan Collection Schedule and the curbside Collection Map to find collection details for your address.

Free printed collection schedules can be picked up at City Hall (200 Craig Street).

Spring/Summer 2025 – Automated Collection

In spring/summer 2025, the City will transition from manual collection (in which workers pick up and empty containers from each residence) to automated collection (in which a truck with mechanical arms lifts and dumps carts at the roadside).  This change will not affect the collection schedule or collection map.

Later this spring, the City will provide residences that receive solid waste collection with a set of three new wheeled carts (one for recycling, garbage, and organics).  Carts are the City’s property, but the responsibility of residents to care for and maintain.

You can find answers to frequently asked questions about automated collection and the new collection carts on the City’s engagement platform Small Town. Big Conversations.

Below you can find information on the collection guidelines that are still in place.

Garbage, recyclables, organics and yard waste must be out by 7:30 a.m. on your collection day.


Garbage is collected every other week on your scheduled collection day (see the Curbside Collection Map to find out your collection route).

Each household is permitted ONE (1) 77L can weighing no more than 50lbs/22kg.  The weight limit ensures operators can lift without risk of injury and encourages the use of the organics and recycling programs.

If you need to put out more than one garbage can, you may purchase garbage stickers for $3.00 each at City Hall (200 Craig Street).  Each garbage sticker can be used for ONE extra 77L can, up to 50 lbs/22kg in weight.  A can MUST be used for the extra garbage (loose bags will not be collected).  If the sticker will not adhere to the can, please remove the lid and adhere the sticker to the top of the bag in plain view.  One extra can is permitted per household per pick up day.


Unlimited household recyclables are collected every other week on your scheduled collection day. Recyclables can be placed at the curb for collection in either containers or bags:

Bags Unlimited accepted recyclables can be collected in the yellow recycling bags provided by the City.  ALL BAGS MUST BE LEFT OPEN/UNTIED.  Yellow recycling bags are available, free of charge, at City Hall (200 Craig Street).
Containers Unlimited accepted recyclables can be collected in reusable containers or bins.  While the number of containers or bins permitted is unlimited, each container or bin must be no larger than 77L and weigh no more than 50lbs/22kgs.  All containers or bins must be clearly marked as recycling.  Yellow recycling stickers are available, free of charge, at City Hall (200 Craig Street).
Cardboard Corrugated cardboard, including packing boxes, must be flattened and tied in bundles; cut no bigger than 2’x3′.


Organic matter may be placed in any container at the curb, as long as the container is marked “Organics”, has a latched lid, and weighs 50lbs/22 kg or less at curbside.

Step 1 Collect food waste and compost items (remove stickers on fruits/vegetable peelings) and place in a kitchen catcher, lining it with a 100% compost bag is optional.  All bags must have the compost logo on the packaging (plastic, biodegradable or degradable bags are not accepted)
Step 2 Empty the compost bag into your marked Organic curbside tote with latching lid.
Step 3 Place marked Organic curbside tote out for collect every week

Yard Waste & Glass

Yard waste & glass is collected by the City’s contractor, Waste Connections, on the first collection day of each month from March to December (no collection in January or February).  Cowichan Valley residents can also dispose of yard waste for free at the Bings Creek Recycling and Waste Management Centre.

The following can be placed at the curb for yard waste and/or glass collection:

Yard Waste Up to ten (10) compost bags or reusable bins of yard waste no larger than 77L and weighing no more than 50lbs/22kg, marked “Yard Waste”.
Sticks Up to two (2) bundles of sticks no longer than 3 feet and no larger than 2 inches in diameter.  Bundles of sticks must be tied with cotton string and not exceed 50lbs/22kg in weight.
Glass Unlimited glass.  Glass must be unbroken, clean and contained in a bin, marked “Glass”.

Please call Waste Connections directly with questions about glass and yard waste collection at 250-248-8109.


  • Public Works Yard: 250-746-5321 or email:
  • CVRD Bings Creek Recycling and Waste Management Centre: 250-746-2540
  • CVRD recycling information hotline: 250-746-2540 / Cowichan Recyclopedia
  • Yard Waste/Glass pickup – Waste Connections: 250-248-8109
  • For more information about the region’s waste management plan, please visit CVRD website.