2020 Annual Report

Pursuant to Section 98 and 99 of the Community Charter, the City of Duncan’s 2020 Annual Report will be considered by Council at their regular scheduled meeting on June 21, 2021.  Due to COVID-19, Duncan Council is holding ‘virtual’ meetings online to comply with the Provincial Health Officer’s recommendation to maintain physical distancing of at least 2 metres from each other. Citizens and members of the public are welcome and encouraged to attend the Meeting “Live Stream” at: https://duncan.civicweb.net/Portal/Video.aspx

Submissions and questions from the public are welcome to finance@duncan.ca.

The City’s Annual Report contains:

  • an overview of major achievements and significant projects;
  • a progress report on strategic objectives;
  • the audited 2020 financial statements;
  • the 2020 property tax exemptions; and
  • the objectives and measures for 2021.

The Annual Report will be available on the City’s website as of June 7, 2021.