Thinking of running for Local Office?  More information on being a potential candidate and what to expect is on the Provincial website.  

Candidates Calendar

There are many important dates for candidates before, during and after the 2022 Election.

Link to Elections BC Candidate Information page and key dates:


To be eligible to be a candidate for Mayor or Councillor you must meet all of the following criteria:

  • 18 years of age or older on general voting day,
  • A Canadian citizen,
  • A Resident of British Columbia for at least six months, and
  • Not disqualified from voting in an election in BC or from being nominated, elected to or holding office, or otherwise disqualified by law.

There is no requirement for a candidate to be a resident or property owner in the municipality.

Council operates at policy level and delegates day to day operations through the Chief Administrative Officer to City staff, while adhering to the Community Charter, Local Government Act and various other Acts and Statutes of the Province of BC.

Nomination Process

Nomination packages will be available for pick-up as of July 13, 2022. Please book an appointment to review the nomination package with the City’s Chief Election Officer or Deputy Chief Election Officer by contacting or 250-746-6126. 

Candidates for the position of Mayor or Councillor must complete a nomination package.  All nomination packages must be filed in person with the Chief Election Officer or Deputy during the nomination period which begins at 9:00 a.m. on Tuesday, August 30, 2022 and ends at 4:00 p.m. on Friday, September 9, 2022.

Appointments to file nomination documents are required and must be made in advance. Nomination documents will not be accepted until August 30, 2022.  

All nomination papers will be available for public inspection. A list of nominated candidates will be available on this website.

Elections BC oversees campaign financing, financial disclosure and campaign advertising rules:

Those interested in running for School Board Trustee should contact Cowichan Valley School District No. 79 

This webpage will be updated as more information becomes available.

Questions?  Contact

Resource Material

Important Links


Presentation from Candidate Information Workshop of August 10, 2022


Province of BC – You’ve decided to run for local office series.

  1. Overview of BC General Local Elections 2022
  2. The Participants in BC General Local Elections 2022
  3. Candidate Nominations in BC General Local Elections 2022 
  4. Voting and Taking Office in BC General Local Elections 2022

Additional videos from the Province are provided below: