
Every property in the City of Duncan falls under a zoning category, which is defined in the Zoning Bylaw No. 3166, 2017 (Consolidated). Each zoning category specifies the activities that can take place on the properties within it. Zoning categories also specify maximum floor area and height of buildings, minimum distances between buildings and property lines, the amount of off-street parking required, and other factors of land use.

The way cities and neighbourhoods look, and feel is a largely a result of zoning. Zoning Bylaws are developed and adopted to implement the objectives, goals, and policies of the Official Community Plan (OCP), which is the document that guides decisions by Council about the use and development of land.

Zoning ensures that specific types of land use (commercial/residential) occur in appropriate areas, and that the use on any property does not conflict with land uses on surrounding properties.

To view a specific section of the Zoning Bylaw No. 3166, 2017 (Consolidated), select one of the links shown below to link to the page for that topic.

City of Duncan Zoning Bylaw No. 3166, 2017 (Consolidated):

Zoning Map

Zoning maps show the zoning category for every property in Duncan and the zoning bylaw contains development regulations for each zoning category. You can review the Zoning Map online or at the City’s Planning & Development Services Department at City Hall.

Zoning and Address Map – 2023-Apr

Zoning Bylaw Amendments (Rezoning)

Before any property can be developed (e.g. by constructing a new building, or by changing the land use), the owner should first check the current zoning regulations for that property. If the proposed development is not permitted under existing zoning, the property owner – or an agent of the property owner – can apply for a zoning amendment. A zoning amendment can legally change either the zoning category of a property or the zoning regulations within a zone.  For additional information on Zoning Amendments, please refer to the Zoning Amendment Application Guide. or contact the Planning Department at developmentservices@duncan.ca or 250-746-6126

As of February 1, 2021, all permit applications, including Zoning amendment applications, must include a completed Site Disclosure Statement at the time of submission, or the application will be returned to the applicant as incomplete.