Request for Tender (T 2023-02) Trans-Canada Highway Multi-Use Path: Cowichan River to 140 TCH
The City of Duncan invites tenders for: Supply and Installation of a 3.0m wide asphalt multi-use pathway along the east side of the Trans-Canada Highway in the City of Duncan, approximately 260m in length. Scope includes all removals and restoration, drainage works, landscaping, retaining wall (both cast-in-place and concrete modular block), lighting revisions (MoTI approved electrical subcontractor). Coordination will be required with BC Hydro, Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure, and the City of Duncan. All works in accordance with the contract documents, including temporary and ancillary works.
Closing Date: December 11, 2023
Closing Time: 1:00 p.m. local time
All tender submissions and accompanying documents must be submitted electronically to: . Late tenders will not be accepted or considered.