Development Forms and Application
Active permit applications can be found here.
For assistance in completing an application, or to book a pre-application meeting, please contact the Planning Department at 250-746-6126 or email at All development, land use amendment, and subdivision applications are required to submit a Site Disclosure Statement to the City.
The following are required for all applications, staff will not accept incomplete application submissions:
- Application Form,
- Applicable Fees, and
- Application Checklist
- Checklists are provided upon pre-application meeting,
- All items listed on a checklist are required for a complete application submission to the City.
An Authorization of Agent form is required for any application where the applicant is not the registered owner of the property proposed for development.
Development Permit
Development Permits (DP) are land use permits issued by local governments to ensure that development occurs in accordance with the unique guidelines established for each Development Permit Area in the Official Community Plan (OCP), and in accordance with all regulations of applicable city bylaws. There are 3 Development Permit Areas (DPAs) in the City of Duncan.
All major DP submissions are reviewed by the Advisory Design Panel.
Development Variance Permit
A Development Variance Permit (DVP) is a land use permit issued by local governments to allow for a relaxation of certain city regulations, including the zoning bylaw. Examples of regulations that may be varied include setbacks or building height. Minor DVPs are approved by the City’s Approving Officer, while major DVPs are required to have Council approval.
DVPs cannot be used to vary the use or density of a parcel, a zoning bylaw amendment (rezoning) is required for that.
Zoning Bylaw Amendment (Rezoning)
A zoning bylaw amendment (rezoning) application is a Council approved request to change current land use regulations including permitted uses and permitted densities, to allow development that aligns with the Official Community Plan policies.
Official Community Plan Amendment
An Official Community Plan (OCP) amendment application is a Council approved change that is required when a proposed development does not conform to the land use designation(s) of the OCP. An amendment bylaw to the OCP is required to change the land use designation(s) before a zoning amendment bylaw can be considered.
Sign Permit
A Sign Permit is required prior to placing a sign, except in a limited number of circumstances. Signs in the City of Duncan are regulated by Sign Bylaw No. 3095, 2013, which defines the number and types of signs a property or business is permitted to install based on the Sign District the parcel falls within. Please refer to the Sign Bylaw or contact to see if you require a permit.
Subdivision is the legal mechanism that leads to the creation of new parcels of land, this type of application is approved by the Manager of Planning. Subdivision involves the division of land into two or more parcels and can also include: the re-alignment of existing property lines, the creation of strata lots, the creation of long-term leases (over three years), building stratas, and airspace parcels.
Temporary Use Permit (Coming Soon)
A Temporary Use Permit (TUP) is a permit issued by Council to allow for a land use on a temporary basis, for a maximum of three years, that is not permitted by current zoning. At the City of Duncan, the Operation of Recreational cannabis stores may only be permitted through an approved TUP.
- Application Form
Heritage Alteration Permit (Coming Soon)
- Application Form
Other Applications
Other common applications that are not received by the Planning Department, such as Protected Tree Cutting/Removal Permit, Building Permit, Driveway Access Permit, Work on City Property Permit, can be found by following the links or by visiting the appropriate department page: