Climate Action Revenue Incentive Program Reporting

The Climate Action Revenue Incentive Program (CARIP) is a conditional grant program that provides funding equivalent to 100 percent of the carbon taxes a local government pays to local governments that have voluntarily signed on to the BC Climate Action Charter.

Climate action is a key provincial priority and local governments are key partners in helping to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and create complete, compact and energy-efficient communities.

In 2007, the BC Climate Action Charter was introduced to encourage local governments to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions.

Under the BC Climate Action Charter, signatories have committed to taking actions to become carbon neutral in their operations by 2012. The City of Duncan has met that commitment and has remained carbon neutral since 2012. The CARIP reports below summarize actions taken by the City of Duncan to reduce energy consumption and emissions and report on progress towards achieving carbon neutrality.

Previous CARIP Public Reports can be found below:

CARIP Public Report for 2018
CARIP Public Report for 2017
CARIP Public Report for 2016
CARIP Public Report for 2015