Designated Flood Plain Area
The City of Duncan recognizes that lands within the city are subject to flooding, particularly the eastern side of the city and along the Cowichan River. Flood areas may be unsuitable for development without putting life and property at risk.
The Flood Plain Management Bylaw No. 3236, 2023 provides the City’s designated floodplain standards following the provincial guidelines. The City of Duncan’s Flood Plain Management Bylaw helps to reduce exposure to the risk of flooding for new development by reducing the potential for damage to property and structures from flooding.
Designated flood zone areas are indicated on Map 2 – Environmentally Sensitive and Hazard Areas of the Official Community Plan and Map 1 of the Flood Plain Management Bylaw. Lands not identified on these maps but are adjacent to watercourses may also be subject to flooding. Reference to the BC Ministry of Environment floodplain mapping and/or site-specific elevations (see the CVRD 2021 Integrated Flood Management Plan) may be required to determine if there is a risk of flooding prior to development approvals.
The hazard area designations should not be interpreted as a prohibition on all development activity, but as an identification of areas where professional geotechnical assessment and specific development standards are required. This is to ensure that the land is safe for the proposed use and that adequate protection measures will be incorporated.
Additional information on Floodplain Designations in the City of Duncan, please refer to the following links:
City of Duncan Flood Plain Management Bylaw No. 3236, 2023
City of Duncan Flood Plain Management Bylaw – Map 1
Province of British Columbia Floodplain Mapping
CVRD Integrated Flood Management Plan